FI - Family Impact
FI stands for Family Impact
Here you will find, what does FI stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Family Impact? Family Impact can be abbreviated as FI What does FI stand for? FI stands for Family Impact. What does Family Impact mean?Family Impact is an expansion of FI
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Alternative definitions of FI
- Full Insurance
- Field Intelligence
- Filterability index
- Filterability index
- Factory Integration
- Filterability index
- Filterability index
- Filterability index
View 120 other definitions of FI on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- FOTC Faraja Orphans and Training Centre
- FCT Farmers Care Trust
- FFD Farouk Foundation for Disabled
- FASDO Faru Arts and Sports Developments Organization
- FAMW Federation of African Media Women
- FAPRA Federation of African Public Relations Associations
- FKSIJA Federation of Khoja Shia Ithna-asheri Jamaats of Africa
- FFA Fellowship First Aiders
- FOCCAM Fellowship of Christian Communicators in Africa and Madagascar
- FEMSA Female Education in Mathematics and Science in Africa
- FU Fengshui Uganda
- FPRS Fight Poverty Relief Services
- FTWM Finish The Work Ministry
- FFSG Firm Foundation Support Group
- FLC Firstway Learning Consultants
- FISA Fisheries Society of Africa
- FDSA Flying Doctors' Society of Africa
- FHRC Focus Human Rights Club
- FAPDR Fondation Artisans de la Paix et du Développemment au Rwanda